Frontclear - a financial markets development company
money markets matter

An inclusive money market eco-system is one of the pre-conditions to stable capital markets and real economy development. In the absence thereof, financial intermediaries and financial markets will struggle to perform their core role of converting household savings into loans to SMEs, among others. This is especially the case in emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs) where the financial sector is bank-centric and bond markets are under-developed.

Ten features combine to make a healthy money market eco-system:

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Trading & settlement systems such as DVP system and trading platforms for OTC
Macroeconomic stabilitydriving supply and demand factors
Confidence & capacity of market participants such as banks and institutional investor
Monetary policyon inflation and foreign exchange affecting money market activity
Prudential and market regulationcovering banks, markets and products, and licensing requirements and code of conduct
Institutional capacityof regulators, other government institutions, market infrastructure providers auditors and judicial actors
Financial products that include benchmark rate, yield curves, FX forward and swap, repos, collateral management, etc.
Legal certaintyaddressing enforceability of transaction documentation, closed netting, title transfer, etc
Market liquiditythrough secondary market for government securities and liquid collateral needs
Price discoveryresulting from sufficient liquidity in FX and interest rate markets & transparency through reporting/disclosure/trading systems
the challenge

Inclusive money markets are where banks have access and are able to actively partake in interbank trading, allowing them to optimize asset and liability management (ALM), reduce costs and manage risks effectively. Money markets encompass several short-term instruments such as treasury bills, commercial paper, deposits, repurchase agreements and swaps. Inclusive money markets allow banks and other key actors to manage inventory and risk in bond markets, thereby deepening depth and liquidity on these markets. But money markets in emerging and developing countries are plagued by barriers preventing stability and inclusiveness and have remained significantly under-developed and illiquid.

Causes of Instability Causes of Fragmentation Consequences of Illiquidity
Volatile macro-economic performance EMDC FIs with local currency collateral have reduced access to global & local markets Ineffective distribution of liquidity and risk leading to irresponsible lending
Dependence on posting hard currency, high quality collateral to access international markets Limited understanding of instruments – money market and other – to mitigate risks Limited price discovery and sub-optimal pricing of liquidity and risk
Public sector borrowing crowds out private sector Unclear role/policies among money market supervisors (central banks, CMAs, SECs, CSDs, etc.) Poor transmission of monetary policy signals
Legal and regulatory system inconducive to money and capital market development High perception of FI counterparty risk FIs and system sensitive to shocks

EMDC banks have limited or no access to global interbank markets while local interbank markets have remained segmented. Lack of market liquidity limits price discovery and yield curve development, adding to the root of the problem. Banks will stockpile high liquidity buffers to mitigate lack of access. This reduces their capacity to actively develop and grow their loan portfolios and to offer their clients the financing in the currency, tenor and interest type they need. This ultimately leads to exposure to unnecessary financial risk for actors in the real economy.

blended finance

Blended finance is central to Frontclear and defined as the strategic use of donor and development finance to mobilize private capital flows and expertise to emerging markets – a clear contribution to SDG 17.

Frontclear blends and leverages donor and development finance capital to support investments by our partner beneficiaries, combining the capital contributions of the three Frontier Clearing Funds (FCF): Subordinated, Junior and Senior. The use of repayable grants as risk capital in the Subordinated tranche, provides donor governments with a powerful ability to leverage official development aid (ODA) through blended finance and achieve a much larger and leveraged development impact outcome.

Frontclear has crowded-in several global banks active in emerging markets at the transaction level and further distributes risk on our guarantees in the private insurance market, having mobilized participation of several global insurance companies.

The FTAP Partnership Facility catalyzes additional finance and in-kind contributions like expertise, from private and not-for-profit sources.

Find out more about how to work with Frontclear here…



FCC Supervisory Board

Axel van Nederveen (Chair)

Frank Czichowski

Rutger Schellens

Charlotte Gounot

FCM Investment Committee

Joost van den Akker

Louis Sabatino

Ricardo Velasquez

Martin Kimmig

FTAP Donor Committee

Evans Osano (Chair)

Alice Chapple

Fleur Henderson

Frontclear Whistleblowing Procedure | SFDR Statement


  • fcdo
  • proparco
  • tcx
  • fsdafrica
  • fsdafrica investments
  • kfw
  • fmo
  • european bank
  • Cardano Development
  • bmz
  • afc
  • afc

Philip Buyskes (CEO)

Philip Buyskes (CEO)

Erik van Dijk (CFRO)

Erik van Dijk (CFRO)

Structuring Team

Daniel Baeza (Latin America)

Hugh Friel (Sub-Saharan Africa)

Andrei Shinkevich (CIS, CEE, Asia, MENA)

Francis Sossah (SSA and MENA)

Romina Lopez Martinez

Patricia Ouko

Marjolein Valentien

Bernard Claassens

Finance and Risk Management

Diogo Robles

Gustavo Angel

Laurens Eijking

Marie Therese Rezko

Kajal Gurbani

Zhibek Akimbaeva

Gilles Botterweg

Elena Avdeeva

Frontclear is a member of Cardano Development Group.