Dar es Salaam, 26 October 2022
Frontclear and the Bank of Tanzania Sign an MOU to develop the domestic interbank market
Dar es Salaam, 26 October 2022 – Frontclear represented by its CEO Mr. Philip Buyskes and the Bank of Tanzania represented by Dr. Yamungu Kayandabila, signed an MOU formalizing a shared commitment to support the country’s interbank market development. The MOU details a 4-part technical assistance programme including a Money Market Diagnostic Framework (MMDF), legal and regulatory review and reform, Tradeclear Feasibility, and wide-scale market training. The first activity is the kick-off workshop on the Money Market Diagnostic Framework (MMDF) held in Dar es Salaam on 27 October 2022, attended by 32 participants from the central bank, CSDR, several pension funds and 20 commercial banks. The MMDF is made possible with the financial support of the UNECA and French Development Agency (AFD).